As this month whirls on I find myself ever more blessed with the beauty that lands in my world. I was so incredibly blessed to be introduced to an incredible artist from England who draws in the most intricate and incredible way, and has a heart and way as light as a silken butterfly's flutter. Her name is Irene Lees, and she is incredible. We have stolen a few moments from both schedules to sit and giggle and share and paint, with whole hearts and jolly minds—it has been the most inspiring time for me.
Last night we sat up and sipped tea and spoke of the English art world, our mutual adoration of colour and its theatrics on paper, dabbled with paint and shared perspectives on each other's work. I began the packup last night, but decided to leave a beautiful homage to a very precious sharing for the beauty of morning light. I like to pack up (generally!) each evening, and so when I came out and saw On My Table this morning the beautiful set of the night before's gigglings, it warmed my whole heart.
As I tidied and packed away, I smiled to myself. I have most certainly seen some dark moments in this life. Some moments that are so thick with pain and heartache and emptiness it seemed they would stretch on forever and never let me breathe again. I have seen though the magnitude of their darkness in some ironically beautiful way reset and re-calibrated my light-meter and made the other darks lighter, and the lights so very incredibly bright! The perspective we gain as we rumble along and face what we must and choose to rise above or sink beneath, move forward or move backward... well it reminds me yet again that there is never ever a loss without a gain somewhere. I smiled further still realising that big, beautiful Law of the Universe whirls on gloriously, and we have enormous amounts of joy available every single day.
This particular moment of this morning made me give deep thanks for the intricacies of life, and all the moments that lead to such pure, light, joy being shared and treasured as two creative souls from other sides of the world came together and left a kaleidoscope of wonder with each other—a very good thing to have On My Table.
Remnants of the gorgeous giggly night before
Hands from across the sea creating
A little collection